The new school year is well underway already! We had a wonderful summer enjoying visits from family and some local vacationing. This new school year brings lots of changes for our family. Austin is attending Grade 1 at a bilingual school which partners with BFA and a German, Christian school. He's loving it! He's picking up German fairly quickly and loves his teachers. His biggest complaint the first day was, "there's too many breaks!". Silly boy. ;)
Our family (with Anna's mom visiting) at the Einschulungsfest - a special ceremony to
welcome the new first graders! Austin is holding a 'schultute' - a cone they're given on the
first day of school filled with school supplies and small gifts from the parents.
Silas has started German Kindergarten. Kindergarten here is private and non-academic. So, really more like preschool in North American - hence why he's starting so young. Silas tends to be fairly reserved and takes awhile to warm up to things, but he's adjusting okay so far. He enjoys playing with the toys and having snacktime at Kindergarten. Thankfully, there are a few other English speaking children in his class, making the transition a little easier. He's usually exhausted by the time he comes home for lunch, though - I'm glad it's only half day!
The boys on their first day of school!!!
Clarence is enjoying being back in the classroom again! He loves teaching Bible to the 8th graders, and this year he is in charge of a homeroom as well. Things are quickly coming together for the Middle School small groups, Student Council, and other Middle School events. He loves being involved in all of it!
The BFA seniors lining up for Opening Ceremony, when they get to carry
in the flags of all the countries represented at BFA.
Our school's theme for the year: Seek Truth.