Sunday, 26 July 2015

Silas' skin: Two steps forward, two steps back.

Today is Day 12 of our 30 days of prayer for Silas.  We are asking people to join us in prayer for complete healing on Silas’s body.  Following is an update from Anna.  J

First of all, praying in faith poses a small but constant theology debate in my head.  I absolutely believe that God is MORE THAN ABLE to heal Silas.  I personally believe that someday Silas will have total healing with his skin issues, but I’m not really sure of WHEN.  We have been praying daily, usually multiple times a day for 3 years, and so far God has been saying ‘Not yet’.  Now we are asking others to join us in prayer, and I mostly believe that this is the time when Silas will receive healing.  For the most part, I pray in faith, believing that at the end of these 30 days we will see miraculous changes and recovery.  I pray and believe.  I can quote verses about God caring so much for us and God wanting to answer our prayers.  Silas’s story can be a great witness to many of God’s amazing power!

However, I certainly do not claim to know the mind or will of God.  My own mind often wonders, ‘but what if God is still saying not yet?’  I realize that God often has a bigger plan of which we are completely unaware.  Am I trying to force my own will on God by praying for healing now?  We certainly pray for God’s will for both of our children, but only praying for God’s will seems too generic.  Is praying for specific things testing God?  Or is NOT praying for specific things showing a lack of faith?  And then, what role do I play in helping Silas to heal?  Should I keep trying new medications and diet changes or does that seem like I’m trying to ‘help God along’?  Is it better to let God take all the credit by not doing anything ourselves?  These questions bounce around in my head daily. 

Speaking of medications and diet changes, here’s our latest theory.  [Disclaimer: we have had lots of theories and tried many, many things to help Silas.  Thus far, none have seemed very helpful, so I have no idea if this current theory will end up helping or not.]  We believe that Silas’s main problem is a digestion issue/leaky gut.   Basically, his body is detoxing through his skin.  The main way to heal leaky gut is through major diet changes:  no regular dairy, very few grains, no sugars or junk food, no processed food or conventionally raised meat.  To be fully committed to this, takes a LOT of discipline and commitment from everyone in the family!  We started eating this way around the beginning of July, and seemed to see some improvements.  Then we started our big driving trip down to Sicily, Italy.  We just spent 1 week ‘on the road’, and while we tried to eat somewhat healthy, some days it was just way too hard.  A few other factors working against us were the extreme heat and a sort of stressful daily environment (Silas doesn’t do well with changes, which would include traveling and crowded sight-seeing) which seemed to really irritate Silas’s skin again.  He was starting to look much WORSE again and I was feeling SO discouraged.  I was questioning this whole trip and wondering if Silas would ever get better.  We were both praying constantly for Silas, laying our hands on him and begging God for healing. 

Last night we arrived in Sicily.  Now, we get to stay in the same place for almost three weeks, which will help with stress level, sleeping habits and especially eating habits.  Also, we are near the coast, so hopefully the salty air environment will help Silas’s skin.  Again, we acknowledge that ultimately healing will only come from God’s grace and power.

Interestingly, when Silas woke up this morning his knees (which were by far the worst thing this past week) looked MUCH better!  I was so happy I almost cried!  We are hoping and praying that his knees will continue to heal and not flare up again.  I have so many theories as to why it got worse and then better, but only God knows! 

Thanks again for your prayers, encouragement, and reading this long update!  We are so thankful for each of you!