Of course the short version is: we're going to Black Forest Academy in Germany! However, I thought we should take a little time to explain this more thoroughly.
First of all, what is Black Forest Academy (BFA)? BFA is an international boarding school serving primarily Missionary Kids (MKs) whose parents are working as missionaries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is located in the Black Forest region of Germany, also known as Schwarzwald, in the far southwest corner; just a quick jaunt from the France and Swiss borders. BFA plays a huge role in supporting missionary families by helping to educate and care for the children. BFA follows a North America curriculum and aims to help prepare the students to attend college or university in North America. Some of the students also come from famlies where the parent(s) work in international businesses or even in the military.
As mentioned in my last post, Clarence will be working as the Middle School Chaplain. This basically means pastoring/shepherding the students in the Middle School, grades 6-8. It includes organizing small groups, coordinating chapel services, teaching Bible classes, organizing Friday night outings, caring, listening, and praying. A lot of the job description seems fairly similar to what he's been doing here in Toronto for the last 6.5 years as a youth pastor. It's neat to see how God is allowing Clarence to keep using his gifts and passion to serve Him in a different area. Clarence is excited about the new position, but of course sad to leave our church, and especially sad to say goodbye to so many youth adn adults he has invested in over the years.
I (Anna) will not have a specific role at the school. Since the kids are still fairly young, my job will be primarily to care for them. Austin will be attending German kindergarten part time, and Silas will be at home full time with me! I'm looking forward to also seeing other ways I might get involved such as helping to care for other staff members and getting to know the students at the Middle School with whom Clarence will be working.
I'm so excited you have a blog! What an exciting new adventure you're embarking on! Can't wait to follow you.