Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The Journey Begins! (and continues)

Okay, I guess our journey [of going to BFA] really began several months ago.  But the particular journey I’m referring to is our “Epic Road Trip”.  It officially began today with driving from Toronto to Ohio.  We will spend a few days here, and then continue on our big road trip totaling 4000km.  Here’s a rough overview of our itinerary:

June 12-15:  Pandora, Ohio
June 15-17: Mishawaka/Goshen, Indiana
June 17-20: Chicago, Illinois
June 20-23: Green Bay, Wisconsin
June 23-30:  Minneapolis, Minnesota – for Orientation with TeachBeyond
June 30-July 1:  Grand Forks, North Dakota
July 1-3:  Winnipeg, Manitoba
July 3-4:  Moose Jaw/Caronport, Saskatchewan
July 5-20: Calgary, Alberta
July 20-August 8: Pandora, Ohio
August 9 and onward – GERMANY!!!

So, this past week has been a crazy blur.  We packed up our house, got rid of all of our furniture, and moved in to stay with friends this weekend.  Monday we closed on our house, and Tuesday drove to Ohio.  It has been full of lots of sad good-byes as we say farewell to so many wonderful friends in Toronto.  Our church has really become a family to us, and we will miss them all dearly, but we’re very thankful for their blessings as they send us on our way in following God’s call. 

The past week has also been full of good news.  Our housing is finalized for where we will be staying in Germany, which we’re very excited about.  The school has recently purchased an old guesthouse/hotel which will eventually be turned into a girl’s dorm, but for this coming school year, our family will be living there on the main floor.  There will be another BFA family living in the bottom floor, and the upper floor will probably be available for guests and visitors to rent (yes, so we should hopefully have a nice place to house visitors!)  We also purchased a used minivan from another couple who works at BFA.  And finally, we bought our PLANE TICKETS!  Woo hoo!  It’s really happening!   We fly out of Detroit, MI on August 8 and arrive in Germany on August 9th.  The only downside is that our housing will not be available until August 15th, so we will be housed somewhere else temporarily for week or so. 

Finally, a support update.  I (Anna) am completely humbled and awed to report that we are at 98% of our monthly support!  God is so good.  I am so thankful that He has chosen to bless us through generous friends, family, and churches.  Praise God!

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