Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – an update on the 30 days of prayer for Silas

Let’s start with the ugly: Silas’s skin.  Yes, unfortunately, much of Silas’s skin is still ugly.  We have seen a little improvement over the past 30 days, but honestly not much.  L

The Bad:  It seems in Western Christianity we often feel that unanswered prayers (aka , prayers that were not answered the way we wanted/hoped) are BAD.  I certainly feel that way most of the time.  I prayed for complete healing on Silas’s skin during these 30 days.  Many, many people joined us in prayer.  I prayed, read Scriptures, fasted.  And yet, still God is saying ‘Not yet’.  This is hard.  It seems bad at the moment, but I am trying to remain hopeful and continue trusting God for His perfect timing.

The Good: Yes, there is some good!
1.       Silas is starting to take a lot of ownership over his skin. 
He is really trying (for the first time) to NOT scratch.  This is actually a huge improvement!  He has told me that he prays for God to help him not scratch.  Even just being able to WANT to not scratch is a step in the right direction.  At night, he often sleeps curled up on his side with his hands tucked in between his knees to help control himself. 
2.       We usually just do lotions once a day now. 
Lotions and moisturizing is a complicated thing.  Using too much can hinder the body from producing its own natural oils, but Silas’s skin has always been SO dry and awful that we felt we couldn’t get ahead of it.  We were doing a minimum of moisturizing once in the morning before kindergarten and once at night.  Now we generally just do nighttime.  It’s been nice during the summer that he is usually with us all day and we can keep an eye on him to prevent excessive itching during the day.  Hopefully, we will not have to starting doing twice a day again when he starts schools.
3.       People praying. 
So many people have prayed with us for Silas, and people praying is always good!  Also, it has been super encouraging to us as we often feel weary after struggling with this for so long. It’s has been a wonderful reminder about the family of God and wonderful community that we have!
4.       Some answers?!? 
Maybe, hopefully we might be finding some answers.  As we have been praying we always ask God for wisdom in how to help Silas.  We continue to feel that this is an INTERNAL problem – related to digestion/gut health.
Our next step is to try a diet called Whole30 (more details to come, or you can just google it) starting September 1.   We continue praying and believing in God’s great power and healing abilities. 


  1. We will keep on praying for the little one. May God give you strength. Love, HL Alice Hailey.

  2. Hi, I am a friend of Liz Wessel's in Huntsville, AL. I couldn't get through your blog entries without tears. I could have written most of this word for word. We are going through the very same thing with my daughter. Recently we have tried a diet as well and I have read about a book that I recommend - Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride - if you want more info on leaky gut. It is easy to understand. I also follow the Chicago Integrative Eczema Center on Facebook - good information there on new treatments. We are currently on an elimination diet with some slight improvements, but the itching (head to toe) does still continue. If you ever want to talk, I can send my email. We need a community of support through this. I pray and pray as well, with no immediate answers, but I feel HOPE that some day this will get better and that I am thankful for that. Its so hard to see our little ones struggle and not be able to fix it for them. Praying for your Silas and my Sarah and for all who suffer from this. Would love to know if the Whole30 helps.
